Keep it local

is a social program aimed at mitigating rural flight—supporting young people at risk of labor exclusion and low employability by helping them with their education and job training

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The wind sector in figures

Wind covers23 %of consumed energy.
1.263wind farms
It preventsthe emission of 29 milliontons of CO2 a year.
There are 250manufacturing sites in Spain
In Spain, around27,690 people workin the wind energy


Administrations and private companies can and should step forward to mitigate rural depopulation. Renewable-energy plants are usually installed outside urban centers. Whether direct or indirect, the positive economic benefits they bring to local communities play an important role in the retention of young workers and contribute to the global fight against climate change.
Renewable energy has a strong influence on local communities , thus private companies  EDP Renewables (EDPR) and Vestas , promote this project to contribute to the generation of wealth in rural areas.
energía eólica

The wind energy sector is experiencing high levels of growth worldwide. In Spain, wind energy technology is expected to undergo significant development in the coming years. It’s expected that by 2030 wind energy’s installed capacity will double today’s installed capacity, which currently exceeds 25 GW.

This growth and development will not be possible without strong investment by businesses in the sector, not only economically but also in terms of talent. Supporting the training of new profiles is key to having specialists and professionals able to meet the needs of wind farms.

The AEE Maintenance Technician course is a clear opportunity for those who want to work in a sector that not only supports a better future for everyone but also may provide them with their future job.