Regulations of the procedure for obtaining the scholarships.


EDPR and Vestas are governed by these rules and regulations, the interpretation, application, and resolution of which are the responsibility of the Monitoring Committee and the Attribution Jury.

The selected criteria and rationale of decisions, including the allocation of awards to the winners, are based exclusively on the competence and knowledge of the initiative’s selected.

The decisions of the Monitoring Committee and the Jury cannot be the subject to claims or appeals, and are deemed unquestionable and definitive under all circumstances.

The promotors of the Keep it local program reserve the right to totally or partially void the scholarships when, in the opinion of the Monitoring Committee and the Jury, not enough applicants meet the minimum requirements to be meriting the scholarship due to not meeting the requirements.

Formally submitting an application means the acceptance of these rules, without any reservation or condition, as well as acceptance of the terms and regulations of the award process of the Keep it local scholarships, and it includes express authorization to verify the authenticity of the respective declarations.

If the application did not meet the specified requirements or the necessary documents were not attached, then the party concerned will be given a maximum period of 5 calendar days to correct the error or attach the documents, and they will be informed that, if they did not do so, then their application will be rejected. The person who eventually receives the scholarship will lose the right to the scholarship in the following cases:

  • The omission of information that, having been known, would have meant not granting it or having granted it in favor of another person.
  • Submitting false information or documents.
  • Repeated failure to attend the in-person classes or practical training workshops. “Repeated” will be considered to be the failure to attend more than 5% of the classes or practical training workshops.
  • De-registration of the student from the course or the practical workshops, either because the student voluntarily drops out or due to being suspended for disciplinary reasons before the course ends.

In all cases, the student will be bound to immediately reimburse the amount of the course registration fee, which amounts to €1,808.

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